Greater Chattanooga Colon Cancer Foundation
Preventable : Treatable : Beatable
Thank you for choosing to Raise Funds for Healthy Buns! Money raised through the Greater Chattanooga Rump Run will benefit GCCCF as we re-invest your funds into local projects to help increase awareness of colorectal cancer, improve access to screening, and offer support to those affected by the disease. One hundred percent of all funds raised will remain local to support the mission of GCCCF in our fight against colon cancer. The success of this event since 2011 has allowed the GCCCF to provide the following to the Greater Chattanooga community:
- Awareness of the importance of screenings through our billboard campaign, featuring local colon cancer survivors and celebrities emphasizing how “colonoscopies save lives.”
- Education and Advocacy through participation in various health fairs, community meetings, and events in and around the Chattanooga area.
- Support for those organizations providing no or low cost colon cancer screenings in Hamilton County for under-insured individuals who would not otherwise be able to access these screenings.
How you can help: By clicking on the social media links above, you can share this page on social media, letting people know why you are raising money for colon cancer awareness, and asking them to donate as well! You can also share the link via email to friends and family, asking them to help you save lives by donating.